Homemade Besan Laddus in Desi Cow Ghee & Desi Khand

Size: Pack of 12 (400 gms)

Rs. 430.00

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Nothing says 'celebrations ' like homemade Besan laddus!

Made with pure Desi Cow Ghee and coarse besan, these laddus are prepared fresh on order. Just like the traditional laddus, they also have a mild flavor of cardamom.

These laddus are absolutely divine. No wonder, they're loved by kids and adults alike, and make a great snack or dessert.

Apart from being a post meal sweet, they are great for prasad and gifting purposes.

Coarse (Danedar) Besan - Instead of regular fine besan, we use the traditional coarse besan is in our preparations, providing besan laddus a unique texture and taste. 

Desi Khand - Desi khand is unprocessed sugar, again an integral part of desi besan laddu preparations.

Cardamom - Cardamom lends a unique mild flavor to our laddus.

Desi Cow Ghee


Store in an airtight container, do no refrigerate.

Best before 1 month from date of packaging.

A healthy person can easily have 1-2 besan laddus a day.

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